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AI Artificial Intelligence Robotics Cybersecurity
What happens when you combine Robotics, Artificial Intelligence /AI, the Internet of Things, Big
Data and Cloud Computing, to the world of banking, telcos, mobile devices and personal
The answer is the you get the biggest target for criminals that the world has ever seen - all waiting online to be attached and exploited in a billion different ways using little more than a couple of computers, owned by very smart geeks.
Never in human history has it been possible
for one person, sitting in a bedroom at home in a distant land, to create such
havoc and chaos, to seize such power.
Cyber-crime will therefore be one of the greatest threats to our world
over the next 50 years, and far beyond, into centuries to come.
There is no way back from such a future,
except by dismantling all the global e-systems that link us increasingly
As I predicted many years ago, and have spoken about since in many keynotes on cybersecurity and related issues, every large company in
the world is now experiencing frequent cyber-attacks, on their own systems or
in the cloud, whether they realize or not.
(This article is an extract from Patrick Dixon's Futurist book "The Future of Almost Everything"
Cyberattacks already cost business over $300 billion a year
The Centre for Strategic and
International Studies has estimated total cost to business to be around $300bn
a year.
Losses are likely to be more than $1
trillion a year by 2025, especially if we see wide-scale attacks, sponsored by
hostile governments.
We are not just
talking about attacks on traditional targets like bank websites, but also
commercial aggression like the blackmail of Sony, after the company released a
controversial film about North Korea.
There is nothing new about web abuse. At
least 80% of the 247 billion emails sent every day are spam, many of them
so-called phishing attacks, pretending to be from a bank, encouraging people to
enter passwords.
Expect 10 billion separate attacks a
Macafee is already detecting over 600
million new and different computer viruses, malware or Trojan horses every year
– several a second.
Pharma, chemicals, mining, electronics and agricultural
companies are seeing increases of 600% a year in malware attacks.
Energy, oil
and gas attacks are growing by 400%.
Attempts to steal data from retailers are doubling every 12 months.
In many cases, tens of millions of
credit card details have been stolen.
Target lost data on 70 million people in a single attack.
A single contractor in South Korea managed to
steal personal information on 20 million credit card users, more than half the
country’s working population.
Two years previously, personal data on 35 million
South Koreans was stolen from Cyworld, a popular social network.
3 billion people’s personal details have been stolen
Similar attacks have happened across the
world. Hackers recently stole personal
details of 213 million eBay users. Sony
lost 100 million client’s details to a hacker.
The Heartbleed bug caused huge damage in 2014 as it swept globally,
invading websites of many multinationals, retailers, banks and email companies.
Another example was a major attack on JP
Morgan Chase – following a sustained assault with tens of thousands of separate
attacks each day over many months, mostly traced to Russia. 76 million names, addresses, telephone
numbers and email addresses were stolen – affecting two thirds of all
households in America.
Most attacks are reported very late, some not at all, and many are never noticed of course.
Yahoo admitted in 2017 that 3 billion accounts were hacked back in 2013, triple the previous estimate they had given.
Why hackers will often escape
prosecution if caught
I have met bankers who don’t prosecute
or even sack staff who hack into their own bank systems.
“Just thought you
should know…. Of course I should probably leak the news or publish the account
Terrified of bad publicity, they
pay them off, give them a wonderful reference, and let them go and work for a
competitor – where exactly the same thing is likely to happen again.
There is no legal requirement in most
countries for any bank to report when they have been hacked and data lost,
which means that most attacks will never be known, and the true scale is far
larger than most people think.
Even the most basic bank security can be
pitifully weak.
I remember shortly
before spending a day advising the board of a Swiss bank, I decided to carry
out a test of my own. Without being challenged, I managed to walk right into a
high-security area using the oldest tricks in the book: distracting reception
staff, and gently pulling apart sliding security doors with my fingers.
Large corporations will be forced to
encrypt stored data
All IT and smartphone companies will
step up personal security with end to end encryption during data transmission,
and encryption of all data “at rest” stored on servers.
It is really shocking that most banks in some nations still
do not encrypt data on their servers, so once a hacker gains entry, which they
do in every large bank several times a year, they usually have no trouble at
all reading files.
It was very careless of Sony to allow hackers to so easily
read all their archived emails, contracts and other documents. Best practice will mean universal encryption.
Customers will be urged to set up two
step authentication, with confirmation of passwords using codes sent to mobile
devices. As a result, expect dramatic
growth in attacks on telco companies and all mobile devices, to try to hack
into SMS and intercept these codes. In
2014, such attacks grew more than a hundred times over the previous year.
- a new kind of Cold War
Expect many more significant large-scale
cyber attacks against nations and groups of enterprises over the next two
decades, often directed by criminal gangs rather than government staff, paid
for by secret agents of other countries.
The largest of these attacks are likely to form part of next-generation
conflicts / disputes between nations, paralysing entire government agencies for
days, causing major disruption to banking and telecommunications, damaging
utilities such as power stations or parts of the national grid.
It is already happening: for example, a blast furnace in a steel mill
was hit by hackers in Germany recently, causing parts of the plant to
fail. But for understandable reasons,
most successful attacks on major installations will be kept strictly secret, in
the national interest.
Cyberattacks on international data cables, people, companies and
Cyber-attacks are easy to carry out on
physical web infrastructure too.
example, most bandwidth in the world is carried on a few, very vulnerable,
fibre-optic cables. Cutting them is very
easy – all you have to do is drag a ship’s anchor along a sea bed to snag
them. And it is very hard to detect what
ship did it, especially in relatively busy shipping areas.
Recent cable damage reduced web access in
India by 70%, Egypt by 60%, with many other nations affected in the Middle
East. In another episode, divers were
arrested off the coast of Egypt in the act of sabotage.
For all these reasons, Nato includes
cyberattacks as one of the events which could trigger a joint response by the
Nations like the UK are very vulnerable since the exact points are well known on maps, where huge data cables run from shallow sea water into the shoreline.
Using mini-submersibles like those the BBC hired to film Blue Oceans II, it is easy to track all data cables into deep ocean, and a work of minutes to cut such them.
However, it will be almost impossible to prove who is really behind
such attacks, and therefore impossible to retaliate effectively.
The US Navy is
being hit on a routine basis by over 100,000 separate online attacks every
hour, according to Hewlett Packard. But
from where and by whom and for what purpose?
Sometimes digital debris is left by accident
which gives clues about origin – for example naming a piece of code, deeply
encrypted inside a complex virus, after a popular TV comedian in a particular
country. But subtle clue-dropping can
also be a deliberate decoy, used by secret services or gangs to cast blame on
an innocent nation.
Viruses designed to control entire
Energetic Bear is a cyber-espionage
weapon which infected vital parts of Europe’s energy infrastructure during the
Ukraine – Russia – EU crisis.
targeted a wide range of industrial control systems, national grids, power
stations, wind turbines, biomass fuel plants.
It was designed to monitor energy use in real time and to disable
systems on command – but on whose command?
Future energy viruses will target smart grids and smart homes – imagine
the impact for example, if a hacker from a hostile state or group could turn on
15 million air conditioners simultaneously, causing instant power cuts.
A few weeks after discover of Energetic
Bear, Russian telecom and health companies, utilities and government agencies
discovered that they too had been hit by one of the most deadly and
sophisticated clusters of viruses ever created, called Regin.
The cluster was designed with multiple Apps, to
steal passwords, extract information on a huge range of systems, and take total
control of many different types of industrial equipment.
“Digital bombs” inside large
Targets were also hit in Saudi Arabia,
Mexico, Ireland, India, Iran, Belgium, Australia and Pakistan.
In many cases, it turned out that the viruses
had been working away for up to 6 years without detection, despite every check.
The viruses were constantly listening online for a single command to detonate
tens of thousands of digital “bombs” across every part of the nation.
It has been reported that Russia is now so
anxious about American penetration, that security agencies are using printed
paper for ultra-sensitive communications.
The Chinese meanwhile are building a quantum computing link between
Beijing and Shanghai, which they hope will lock out foreign surveillance.
In 2007, Estonia banks, Government
agencies, Parliament, broadcasters and newspapers were also hit by three weeks
of cyber-attacks which completely paralysed their web capabiliites. These followed a disagreement with Russia,
though responsibility was never proven.
So we will see huge investment in
cyber-resilience, by governments, banks, stock exchanges and utility companies
in particular, in the wealthiest nations, but smaller nations will remain very
At least a quarter of all
attacks will be espionage – directed at stealing state secrets or corporate
research which has yet to be patent protected.
Hackers will be recruited by spies and
Expect growing numbers of full-time
professional hackers, operating as independent consultants to criminal gangs
and secret services, offering services in combination with others to plan major
In many cases, these hacking geniuses will never realize who the end
client really is. They may think they
are working for MI6 in the UK for example, but are actually working for a
Bulgarian gang, which is assisting Russian Federal Security Services, or for
the CIA or Mossad.
Many attacks will be multidimensional in
future. So a large scale identity theft takes place a couple of hours before a
vital payment channel is hacked, to create new PIN numbers. Minutes later, two
hundred people with cloned cash cards start withdrawing cash from ATMs in over
50 cities.
Hackers will be turned against other
Expect a radical rethink about what on
earth to do with convicted hackers:
people with proven genius in cracking open systems, who may well be the
best people in the world to test your own security, and help improve it.
Do we really want to waste their lives locked
up in prison?
Some hackers will be offered rewards by
governments to attack and destroy the dark web.
The aim will be to identify
many millions of users of Tor web browsers (these are like normal web browsers,
but prevent ANYONE monitoring your web activity), and users of other “secret”
tools: people who want to keep their activities and payments 100% secret.
Over 400 dark websites were closed in
2014 alone, including sites which sell illegal drugs, illegal arms deals,
assassinations of spouses or politicians, and every kind of depravity.
However, many dark web users in future will
simply be trying to evade “oppressive” state snooping – particularly in
countries like Russia or China where web controls have become severe. Use of Tor in Russia leapt from 60,000 to
over 200,000 people in just a couple of months following the seizure of Crimea.
Looking for a cybersecurity keynote speaker? Patrick Dixon has given keynotes for over 400 of the world's largest corporations and to governments on a wide range of digital issues including cybersecurity, how to prevent cyberattacks, how to detect cyberattacks and related matters.
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